Glad to see you got that sorted, eNforce.
Originally Posted by wacodep
Deleting a mail folder DOES delete it, but it also gives the following SQL error:
It seems to only give that error on deleting empty folders. If you upload the fixed vbms_functions_api.php attached here to your "includes" directory, that should fix it.
Originally Posted by wacodep
Potential bug: Even when 'Change Alias' is set to NO for his usergroup, the my test user can STILL change his alias.
I only have ONE usergroup enabled for this mod, so it's not a 'Generosity' issue.
This test user has a primary of 'Registered Users', but a secondary as this vbms-enabled group.
Will look into this one tomorrow, thanks for pointing it out.
Originally Posted by TTG
Produces a mail icon !?
If you're getting a mail icon from that, then there should be something in the admin logs referring to it. Go to your ACP > vBulletin Mail System > Mail Checking Logs, there should be a log (or lots of them) with little exclamation points next to them... what errors are in there?
As to those of you who have PHP 5, I think I've got it sorted; the original hack had a bizarre coding for the imap_open connection string which PHP 5 didn't much like, and I didn't notice it while porting the hack. If you upload the vbms_functions_checkmail.php file attached in your "includes" directory, it should fix that issue.
I'm going to go ahead and repackage the original zip with these two updated files, and hopefully get to some of the usergroup stuff tomorrow.
Note: to those of you who can't see the other usergroups in the ACP, can you send me screenshots of your ACP > vBulletin Mail System > Permissions and your Usergroup Manager pages? I can't seem to reproduce the problem you're describing. When I install this on a clean forum with a few extra test usergroups, it recognizes them; when I then add usergroups after installing this, it also recognizes them.