I installed this and like it. Seems to be a great script.
One improvement (at least it is an improvement in my opinion) is that I changed the ALT and TITLE text tags to represent the images. The ALT text is used by google and other search engines to determine what is in the picture. Additionally, a better description is better for disabled people who might use a text reader to read out loud your web page because now the text will match the picture. By default, the ALT text only says "Click to view original" which says nothing about the picture.
ACP > PhotoPlog > Edit Pages > edit photoplog_view_file
Search for the ALT= text that is followed by
Remove that and replace it with:
$photoplog_category_title: $photoplog_title
That will give you both the category title and the picture title in the ALT text for the image.
Do the same thing with the title tag that follows.
The whole image tag ends up looking like this:
<img src="$photoplog_location/file.php?$session[sessionurl]n=$photoplog_fileid&w=l" alt="$photoplog_category_title: $photoplog_title" title="$photoplog_category_title: $photoplog_title" border="0" />