Thanks for the mod. It was very easy to install if you follow the instructions exactly. (I made a mistake the first time I ran through them.)
I made some minor modifications that I wanted to share (my additions are in red):
1) Pulled the title by looking at the code to pull the description which was mentioned in an earlier post:
$photoplog_username = $photoplog_file_info['username'];
$photoplog_title = htmlspecialchars_uni($photoplog_file_info['title']);
and then added the title as the ALT text on the image:
<img src=\"".$photoplog_location."/file.php?".$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']."n=".$photoplog_fileid."&w=s\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".$photoplog_title."\" />
2) Also, a very easy change, I commented out the user who posted the pictures to save real estate.
<!-- <tr>
<td class=\"alt2\" align=\"center\">
<div class=\"smallfont\">
".$vbphrase['posted_by']." <a href=\"".$photoplog_location."/index.php?".$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']."u=".$photoplog_userid."\">".$photoplog_username. "</a>