Originally Posted by Rickeo
Yea I figured it out and it works like a charm for me now.
Basically follow all the steps above of creating a new scheduled task enter all the information the varname etc etc as staed above.
Then when it asks u the date and time to set for the scheduled task instead of entering a time make sure all fields are filled out with the * star ****** sign and the click submit then to set the date and time go to your VBPlaza lottery on your admincp and then set the date and time from there now ur scheduled task is set up it should run fine and you should have a perfect lottery.
Remember all dates and times on the scheduled task just fill them with the ***** symbol you only need 1 scheduled task and it will process ur weekly and daily lottery for you.
If you dont know what I mean message me or email me or reply here and I will get some screenshots up for you.
Hope that helps
I tried this but still cant get it to work @_@