Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Concerning the attachment issue... Someone please provide the following details:
a) Your version of vBulletin.
b) Attachment storage method (database or files).
c) The specific steps required to reproduce the error.
Thanks, and I'll take a look at it whenever I can.
I already did this back in post
#44 on the 14th of feb.
I'm running 3.6.4 and if you post attachments under a different username using this mod and then save the post the attachements seem to loose focus with the post. Edit the post again and you'll see no attachments linked with the post.
This can be reproduced every single time and i'm using the file method to store.
In honesty i wish i hadn't reported it now after all the fuss and i'm going to mark this as uninstalled.
Thanks anyways.