Originally Posted by Tom_S
Wow! Well I was going to use this hack but after reading all this childishness and the huge surprise is the authors actions. I won't be using any mod this coder makes.
I don't see it that way. Poet kept nagging about it, and PV kept responding to the nags so she had to come back and nag some more. PV made it VERY clear on his stance on this. I don't understand where there could have been some confusion.
When a vulnerability in someones hack is found, it should be reported. From there it's completely up to the author of the hack to do what they wish with the information provided. You can't make anyone do anything. If you don't like it, it's as simple as uninstalling.
What most people fail to take into consideration is PV and the rest of the coders here are here on their own free time, for FREE. This means they are not getting paid. You can't always expect them to give top quality support for this reason. Sometimes things get in the way, and the little least important things get left behind.
What I saw here, as Paul said, was very high schoolish, and quite ridiculous on both sides, and my explanation is not to clear anyone from any wrongdoings. Just an explanation from a different point of view.
I use this, and many mods provided by PV, and am grateful for the work he has done. I would hate to see them all pulled because of a little spat between another member.