I have been using this hack for a few days now, and what I am finding happening with the file attachements is this.
When creating a new post or reply I enter in all my content, and then i go to the file attachment manager and upload any files i want in the post, then I click preview and they are shown 'attached'.
Now when I click on the submit button, the post gets created but the attachments dont stay with the post.
The only way I have found a way around this for now, until hopfully this can be fixed is post your text first without attaching any files, then click the edit button and then upload your files. This is the only way so far that I have been able to use this hack attaching files.
Also another thing I am finding is that the attachments are not being uploaded to the appropriate users files folder. They are being placed in the admin folder within a sub folder like this. Path = of various user numbers folders
Is there a way that this program could let us select or have it automatically put the files in their proper folders? I have a feeling letting it put the files into the admin folder is going to cause some issues down the road.
I wonder if using the database for storage until all the messages are moved over is what I should do?