I am not a big board as of yet, but I own a number of other non forum related sites and I can say this... While all the SEO tips and tricks are lovely and alluring, don't think that they are the end all be all of site popularity. I will simply state my favorite way of ranking number one on the SEs: Focus on content the rest will fall into place afterwards.
My new board (launched 9/8/06) - My first and only board. Is sitting at number 4 for a very competitive keyword phrase in Google. I do not have Zoints, VbSEO or any other commercial SEO product installed. It can be done, it just takes a lot of work on your part.
Like I said, provide relevant content and then start submitting your site to related directories, enhance tags, remove duplicate content, clean up bloated code, etc. Then hit the streets...print up business cards and start marketing.