Originally Posted by Bubble #5
What is the main difference between the author, contributor and subscriber settings? I would think that an 'author' is a contributor and a subscriber. Not sure about what any of the titles mean.
Also, now it won't allow us to login as the admin of wordpress ( username admin) since we never registered as 'admin' through the forum. When we go to the blog and click on login, it now sends us to the forum, instead of the Wordpress login page. Same with register. If we log in as the forum admin it does allow us to login to the wordpress ACP, BUT only as a level 8 admin ( when it's supposed to be level 10). So how are we supposed to login to Wordpress as the admin ( level 10)? 
You can find the differences between each WP usergroup at the WP site. Each role has different permissions.
I have a feeling you did not follow the readme to the letter. You do understand that you cannot use the same admin username in WP and VB right? This is spelled out in the readme.
Once you activate the plugin, you never login or register with WP again, only VB.