mySQL query error: UPDATE user SET user_sort='0',user_order='0',user_g_pp='0',user_s_ pp='0',def_g_cat='',game_skin= '',arcade_pmactive='1' WHERE userid=1
mySQL error: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'def_g_cat' at row 1
mySQL error code:
Date: Wednesday 28th 2007f February 2007 10:35:50 AM
That is the SQL Error I receive when attempting to change "Your Settings"
When attempting to create a tournament, the tournament works - it just doesnt re-direct after tournament is created, it simply gives me a ieframe.dll/pagenotfound.htm address that says "Page cannot be found". If I go back, the tournament does actually exist, I would just hope that it would re-direct.