Advanced Downloads
I have a specific purpose in mind for this hack. I know there are other download hacks available...but none of them to what i need...
It should be rather simple
requirements...mass import feature (I upload all my zips/tars/rars etc to a folder on the web, then hit upload in the admincp and it makes them all available for download) (this feature isn't required...but it would be nice)
I'm not a very good i'm go to say what i need it to do...and then if anyone has questions...we'll go from there.
I have over 3000 files that will be uploaded. I will be selling the files either individually, in groups of 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, etc...
I would like to have settings so I can say...if user buys 1 costs this much, if user buys 100 costs this much, etc...
user can select files he want's from a list (and then they get marked next time so he knows what he's already downloaded if he needs to get more later)...or just select a random option that would pick his 100 files for him...
incorporated with the vbulletin payment (subscription) system
once the user selects his files, it puts them all in one zip, then he can download the zip...
another feature should be some settings where i can set if i want this purchase to be available permanently or for just a few days (could be solved by simply using the payment subscription system since you can already do that with paid subscriptions?)
If i don't get anyone to do this for free...i'll be willing to throw in some money (not a whole lot though) if anyone else would like a system like this...and would like to donate if we can't get it done for free....please PM me