By the way, I noticed it does not work inside my password protected moderator forum, but it does work in any other forum. Bug?
Also, in addition to my last post's questions how / where do I edit the pop-up display when hovering over a glossary? I want to make the "click link..." a little more obvious and distinguishable
Another bug (guessing): It does not warn if duplicate entries.
Ok, to sum up what I've noticed as possible bugs or at least feedback for new features:
- assumes duplicate entry when editing and attempting to save glossary term via glossary main page
(There is already a glossary term named 'Abel'. You may not create duplicate names.)
- does not work apparently in password protected forum
- not all glossary terms show up oddly
(example, "Christ" does not show up even though I've added it and active, but "Bible" does)
- if a word is posted in bold and it happens to be a glossary term, the mindestic hack removes the bold bbcode
- mass add terms
- custom layout on glossary main page
- ability to customize the underlining of glossary terms in thread view
- ability to place the glossary's search script/field anywhere (such as forumhome)
Thanks for a great hack!