Here's a history of my questions/replies about adding a different banner ad for different forums/subforums:
Originally Posted by rnmcd
I apologize if this has been asked and replied to before but I couldn't seem to find the answer in the 8 or 9 pages I read.
Are we able to have different ads for each forum/sub-forum?
Thank you redtyger.
Originally Posted by RedTyger
Yes, but you have to add all but one set of ad code to the (whatever)_advertisement template.
<if condition="$foruminfo[forumid]" == '1'>
Ad code for forum ID 1
<if condition="$foruminfo[forumid]" == '2'>
$header(or whatever)_adcode
<if condition="$foruminfo[forumid]" == '3'>
Ad code for forum ID 3
And so on.
Originally Posted by wowway1
Please please please - allow specific ads for a particular forum! This would solve my problem if I could great individual forum sponsors (different static ad at the top of individual forums). Is there a way to do this? It looks like the same ad has to be displayed on the forums you choose. I need a different ad for each forum.
Originally Posted by madkeen
Is it possible to nominate different ads for each category of your forum?
I would like to run certain ads in certain categories so that I can use ads that are targeted for that category. This way I can target specific advertisers for each category. Advertisers would much rather have their ad targeted at a more defined group of people. The more you can assure your advertisers that their ad is being displayed at their target demographic the more they are willing to pay.
If it will be possible that would be fantastic.
Originally Posted by rnmcd
Aren't these people asking to do the same thing?
I asked RedTyger if this was possible (in an earlier thread) and RedTyger said it was possible.
Is it possible?
Originally Posted by RedTyger
Not in the sense that it's asked for, no. Any other method may be vaguely possible but you may as well just stick to template edits than use this modification.
I just want to make sure I understand correctly and that I have explained what I am trying to do (have different banner ads on various forums/subforums within the same vB message board).
So would template edits be the best way to do this or would the method that redtyger mentioned above
(see the quoted post in dark green font) be the better method?
Thank you.