Hey all,
Followed this thread and a couple similar ones here, and thought you all might be interested in some hopeful rumor mongering.
The best solution that's come up repeatedly is The vB Geek's Geekmart right? The only problem is that he's had to halt development on it for quite a while simply because he's got so many other things to work on. I've been following the threads over on his site, and he's dropped some hints recently that he's got someone that may be coming on board with him to pickup GeekMart and get it back on track! Whoo Hoo!
Based on those hints, and some recent positive posting by another member over there that bought a copy sans support, we gave it a shot ourselves.
Oh man... MUCH better than we'd hoped for. If you're ok with Paypal as the only payment processer (others may be added later, it's setup for them just needs the interface written) it's quite good even in it's current beta state. I've played around with it quite a bit the last couple days and it's Sooooo much better for our purposes than anything else we've looked at. We actually have a copy of VPASP, but trying to integrate it into vB is just a total PITA. GeekMart is totally integrated from the start, there's a few quirks to it, but it seems totally workable and quite stable so far. Really nice membership system that handles auto-promotion to specified usergroups, very cool.
Anyway, it's still completely unsupported, and nothing official has been said. Maybe nothing will come of it, but... Maybe it will

Anyway, thought it might be interesting for some of the posters here. Keep your ears out, Geek will probably let us know something officially one way or the other relatively soon.
James and Susan