Originally Posted by transitbus
Keeping my eye on this one. The majority of my registers use yahoo, hotmail or gmail as their primary address so I would be killing my board if I used this list as it stands.
It's really really *easy* to take those address domains off the lists, there is *also* a file for *allowed* addresses that you can add them to.
After having over 100 in a 24 hour period trying to register with the following I feel it's well worth it... of course if you really really wanted the extra work you could go through the 1-z files and copy the obvious ones and add them to the 'banned' addresses in admincp>vBoptions... but why do that?
I also figure, with the email I receive as webmaster if a blocked registration *happens* to look legit (so far *none* have) I can always remove the domain from the blocked file/add to the allowed file, and email the person to 'try again'.