Originally Posted by Shelley_c
Exactly how many household appliances have you got switched on including your computer and all the extra gadgets
If you're asking my personal details, my house is wired for maximum energy saving. It's also renovated widely to save energy. All appliances in my house conform to the most recent standards for energy-saving. Fairly soon I will also have a solar-cell covered roof on the large roof of the ex-factory building I also own next to my house.
Originally Posted by carpefile
The point you are trying to make (Tim), is the error itself. A problem does not exist, climate change is a natural phenomena, with man's impact accounting for slightly over 1/4 of 1%.
No, that's wrong. Ask the inhabitants of low-lying Pacific island nations about the rising sea levels owing to global warming; they will point out exactly what the problem is. Ask about increasing catastrophic long-duration droughts in Australia. Ask by how much average temperatures will increase in the southern USA and in southern Europe, and how much average rainfall will decrease. Ask about the spread of tropical diseases up north, in the USA and in Europe.
There is a very real problem going on; denying it doesn't cure it.
As for your claim about the proportion of global warming that is owing to manmade activities, I don't buy that one at all either, for good reasons. Do you have any scientific citation for your claim?
That is why I say stop the fear mongering. Trumpeting over and over that the sky is falling, doesn't make it so. Constantly referencing an alleged consensus of scientists, when in fact none exists, does not prove your point.
Nonsense. "Alleged"? Puh-leeze, I gave the exact citation, so you could actually look at it. Perhaps you would actually look at the evidence given here, which
proved an actual scientific consensus, and if you wish to debate, give
actual evidence in reply, instead of throwing around empty accusations like "fear-mongering".