Hello everyone,
I'm new to the VB community but I'm not new to installing, computers, programming, etc. I installed 3.6.4 and it was a breeze, but I have a question. How do I make a left, or right column on my site
http://www.wmdtalk.com because I want to put a banner ad there plus some other plugins. I'm having no problem installing plugins but I just want to know how to do that.
Am I suppose to set it at 80% or 90% of the screenwidth then <div> it over to the left or right, then make room for the small left, right column? I just want to place a banner ad preferably on the right hand side of my forum on my wmdtalk.com site.
Also, I'm looking for moderators because I will be adding a VB section. I need your help and thanks. Lastly, you can email me from the site or just reply here.