Originally Posted by smacklan
actually you have to dig harder to find those who do believe in this nonsense..
I guess you missed
my post above. It wasn't so hard to find out that those specifically acknowledging that global warming is happening include the
USA National Academy of Sciences, the
American Meteorological Society, the
American Geophysical Union, and the
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
.unless you are at the UN
Read just above, will you? I put certain words in bolding to help out.
Finally I will say that practically all learned climatologists will tell you that any warming occurring of any significance is related to changes in the sun...
First you claim it's all nonsense, now you claim it's because of "changes in the sun".
You are contradicting yourself.
Next: The amount that is due to natural Earth cycles, that due to human activities, and that due to solar cycles is debated, but what is quite generally accepted by climatologists is that human activities certainly add to what's happening.