ibProArcade = Support offered regularly, patches and updates offered regularly, requests actually taken into account, developer is not some mythical beast like John, ibPro has the tournament feature, ibPro has MrZero.
v3Arcade = Support is nigh on none existent, same as development, bug fixes and updates, it doesn't have a tournament feature.
v3Arcade looks good and feels good, but time after time for as long as it's been around, John has constantly neglected it and vanished for several months at a time and then come back briefly promising the world just to dissapear again. He had some great support guys helping out and offering add-ons for it and he basically vanished and left them to deal with all the complaints of bugs and things which should have been included as default but weren't.
My biggest gripe with ibProArcade and MrZero knows how I feel on this one, as i've told him often enough, is that it doesn't have a proper template system for easy editing.
My decision to swap from v3Arcade to ibProArcade was made well over a year ago due mainly to Johns inibility to keep to deadlines which he kept on making and missing and then coming up with poor excuses for, along with the "Premium" version farce. I wouldn't swap back for anything now, v3Arcade is a bare bones arcade system when compared to ibProArcade and i'm sure MrZero will make ibpro nicely AJAX'd and properly templated at some point, which is about the only thing that makes v3Arcade feel smoother.
Of course, I still stop by the v3Arcade site regularly to see if anything has changed and just to keep touch with things, but I don't honestly think anyone really needs a crystal ball to realise that it's not likely to happen in a hurry, it hasn't in the last 3 years.