I've submitted my board to BoardTracker today, so do I need to wait (on verification) before installing this MOD? Very nice work by the way!
Yes, you need to wait because it won't work until your site has been crawled. I've been waiting for almost 2 months.
I honestly wish there was another site that provided this as they provide little to no information about when they're going to be available. The Cryptic "...we'll be taking new sites soon..." has been the refrain for over 2 months now. I don't know what most people think soon is but 2 months ain't soon in my book.
I'll be honest, I'm beginning to get nervous about whether the site really has the professionalism behind it to remain viable indefinitely. A site that cannot take on new sites for several months and cannot even provide a projected release date is not a professional service.
It is all "nice work" in theory to me. It's nice in theory but I'm extremely skeptical at this point.