I suppose everyone thinks they have the 'end all be-all' hack...
The hack is a replacement of the attachment manager. It allows people to drag and drop images, zip files, pdf, movies- any file that is allowed in the Attachment Manager- directly onto the New Post/Reply/Edit form. It resizes before upload on the client side, allowing attachments directly from their camera without users having to resize manually. It works in IE (activex) and Firefox (java), although does require a third party license. Otherwise, it's a direct fit into the current vB attachment engine - no php files are updated. Users can switch back and forth between the new and old versions as they need to, and the whole thing can be managed on a site-wide basis.
Your posts were all encouraging, and I might post after all. I'd be nice to release commercially, but I don't think there's a commerical hack forum, and don't know why people would ever bother going to my site to find a commercial release. So - it sounds like my best bet is to release and ask for paypal donations or put it on a commercial release, and require a $30 paypal payment or whatever.