Originally Posted by ChristDivers
No elements available is Default for no entries. You need to add at least one entry on the map itself before that field will show anything. Example: Go to the map on the site itself & click your entry to add the required information so you can go back into the Admincp Me full view as well as the unapproved view. Once you have entered the info you can go into to those particular fields in the Admincp.
Dam Im a truck driver, I think I should go back to college.
Good Luck !!!
I've notice alot of folks here having trouble with installs from several months ago. Here is the key, Save your Templates as a text file encase you screw-up. I've saved every single template I've customized in a text file into a Back up template folder. Common Sense.
I have no issues what soever but I would like to Link to posts with map by using the : $post[findme] code but I've entered this into every single field in the postbit_legacy.  Maybe someone can help me with the easy stuff as I only understand who to do the hard stuff. lmao !!!
God Bless !!!
http://christdivers.com/vbgooglemapme.php ( Look for yourself )
Why do I bother asking when its about 99.9% user error.

Well I changed the & sign to $ sign (Correct sign) in the Post Bit Template.....Post Bit (Template)
I've added this in the !-- user info -- Section under :
if condition="$post['rank']"div class="smallfont"$post[rank]/div/ifbr$post[findme]/B/br
Hope this helps...