Cobra, Personaly I dont consider it an invasion of privacy after all the stuff on the profile pages anyway, Plus its only the last time they logged in and last time they posted , Info that could be got elsewhere anyway, last Post and PM tracking for example.
Sarge, Yea I noticed this too which is why i then changed the titles to say last logged in and last activity rather than last online,
i think that the last logged in date/time is literaly that the last time the cookie was reset, so this will stay the same until either the users cookies are deleted and they login again or they logout and therefore they login again.
The last activity is the last time they did anything at all, not just post but anything.
Antilife, I dont have the code to hand ( im at work ) but all you need to do is edit the template stated in the original post and find the line that displays the info you want to put this after then copy the contents of the txt file to there instead of where i suggested.