Been with site5 over a year or so now. Had a period of down times while they changed raids and deployed flashback (which is frikkin amazing, go read up on it, it's only available with site5) and generally am very happy with everything. I run around 100 sites with them, most of them database heavy.
I have 2 Forums, and with them. The mika site is growing rapidly as the artist is at number 1 in the singles and albums charts and has been for a few weeks. Aside from getting a database max connections issue for about 1 min every few days it seems just fine, nothing a custom database error page cant handle

The only down side is when you pull a backup of your database down from the server it can close the site during the download, though they do offer to make the backup for you if this happens, though once again, for the sake of 30 seconds or so it doesn't really matter, at worse, close the site during a back up, that's not bad practice anyway
So in short, been with them long, run lots of stuff, very happy with them