I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place for this, but I was sitting here thinking of possible future add-ons or enhancements to the Farcaster series...
Possible USERCP add-on?
You know how newly subscribed Threads or Forums display under the USERCP, or if your using an add-on like vS Invites, the "Issue New Invite" displays at the top? Wouldn't it be cool if after a user RSVP's an event or two etc... all the "Yes" and "Maybe" RSVP'd events show under the USERCP? Specific columns I envision (not necessarily in this order) are: The event (linked to calendar/event), Date of event, Days until event, Guests, Status (Yes or Maybe only).
You could also separate the statuses by putting the "Yes" and "Maybe" in their own section, one above the other.
Now this may be pushing it, but?. you could also put a "Change Status" button at the end of each row, or use the check box option and a drop down list at the bottom with "Yes, Maybe and No". If a user changes their status to "No", the event is removed from the USERCP. I can think of multiple options for changing the status, but you get the idea.
Basically the user would be able to manage all their RSPV?d events in one area (or they can go thru each calendar event and manage them individually).
Edited: After re-reading my post, I decided that it actually would make sense to add the RSVP'd events a user might have said "No" to as well. This way if the user does change their mind and decide that they can attend a particular event, they could change their status. So now you would see 3 seperate sections, one on top of another (Yes, Maybe, No).
You?re thoughts?