Originally Posted by Andromeda2875
When will this one be released? I like the fact that it just displays the images in the post and not everything else. Great hack btw.
The attachment preview seems to work 100% the way I want it to work, the post preview is such a pain in the butt because everyone's screen resolution is different and that really messes things up.
I'm expecting to be done with this in the next couple days but I don't want to rush the release because there have been a lot of changes and I'm retracing my steps so users can upgrade without any issues.
What's Changed in 1.5?
*New Design for the Attachment Previews
--- Now shows all the attachments in the entire thread
--- Collapsable Window
--- You can now close the window with an internal link in the category bar
--- Immages Previewed at 100x100 Pixels
--- Replaced 1 template with 2 new ones for the preview
--- Eliminated a class file
*Post Preview
--- Position seems to have stabilized
--- Size configurable as before (but independantly from the attachment window)
--- Preview template redone to reduce the size of the window
--- Text style changes to smalltext to save pixel space
--- Now utilizes a click on the arrow instead of the mouseover (seems to function better)
--- Includes Template updates from RMS-Chef (thank you for that) to fix colspan issues
--- 2 Seperate funtions to allow size modification of the post preview and the attachment windows independantly
--- Limited the height and reduced the width. Will induce scollbars on the side but it seems to be the only way to keep the window stable and organized.
I'm working on a few additional features but I'm not sure if I know how to implement them so I hope to have everything squared away by the middle of the week.