Originally Posted by Tommy12345 View Post
I do not see the big deal of vBulliten taking over and fixing the darn bug.
I am a little bewildered as to the members assuming the staff have
the responsibility to fix issues such as this. Ok so they helped with
the vbshout but that was probably an easy fix or the member of staff
needed the said hack and looked into..
Dont get me wrong, i too have/had this hack on my board, therefore i
would love to see it in action again, as would my members, but ya cant
expect the staff to jump, i spose it was the tone more than anything
that gripped my pooh, bugging the staff like this would most certainly
dissuade them in the future should they think about fixing a hack......
Is it gonna get fixed? we will just have to wait and see, I hope so....
btw an email did go out to the members that had the hack installed
(clicked installed) I got one myself and i appreciated the fast response!!