If you make sure that the "Use Module Shell Template" is checked "yes", it will automatically make it all fit right in your page. It will make the block collapsible too, in short, it will look like all the other blocks on your VBA. The block title you choose will be what will display on your block
This works for template modules;
<!-- Custom Block--!>
<td class="$getbgrow">
<!-- Custom Code Start -->
<!-- Custom Code End -->
So in this case, it would look like this;
<!-- Custom Block--!>
<td class="$getbgrow">
<!-- Custom Code Start -->
<SCRIPT src="fading.js"></SCRIPT>
<MARQUEE behavior= "scroll" align= "center" direction= "up" height="120" scrollamount= "2" scrolldelay= "15" onMouseOver="this.stop()" onMouseOut="this.start()">
<!-- Begin Links -->
<a href="http://www.sitename.com" target="_blank"><img onmouseover=high(this) style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=30); moz-opacity: 0.3" onmouseout=low(this) border=0 src="http://www.path_to_image.jpg" alt=""></a><BR><BR>
<a href="http://www.sitename.com" target="_blank"><img onmouseover=high(this) style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=30); moz-opacity: 0.3" onmouseout=low(this) border=0 src="http://www.path_to_image.jpg" alt=""></a><BR><BR>
<a href="http://www.sitename.com" target="_blank"><img onmouseover=high(this) style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=30); moz-opacity: 0.3" onmouseout=low(this) border=0 src="http://www.path_to_image.jpg" alt=""></a><BR><BR>
<a href="http://www.sitename.com" target="_blank"><img onmouseover=high(this) style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=30); moz-opacity: 0.3" onmouseout=low(this) border=0 src="http://www.path_to_image.jpg" alt=""></a><BR><BR>
<a href="http://www.sitename.com" target="_blank"><img onmouseover=high(this) style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=30); moz-opacity: 0.3" onmouseout=low(this) border=0 src="http://www.path_to_image.jpg" alt=""></a><BR><BR>
<!-- End Links -->
<!-- Custom Code End -->
I use this all the time, so far had no problems at all.