I don't have anything that I can show you, but would like something like this:
A user can make a post regarding something that they wish to complete, i.e. a job, and objective etc.
They can add different stages to it, i.e. research, development, etc or stage 1, stage 2 etc
An assigned moderator/user/admin can then give this task a number or move it up/down the list.
Once the task is in the system, other users will be able to view the list of tasks and sign up to them and leave a comment.
Once the task has been completed an admin can move this task to the completed list where other members could possibly copy this task as their own and the process could be started again....
This is an old system I used to use:
http://www.bluedragons.co.uk/modules.php?name=Quests username test password test
but would like something more updated and that fits into the style of vbulletin