You've got a cool skin with a good color scheme working, and very nice graphics. However I find my eyes strained while viewing your site. In my opinion, you are working with too many light colors, and in such a small area this is not good, especially for long-term viewing.
Things I would change:
- Category text. White is hard to read.
- Switch forum link colors. Make the forum links darker orange, and the time/last post areas lighter orange. You want to direct the viewer's eye to the more important stuff.
- Same on forumdisplay - topic links should be darker, last post info should be lighter.
- Advertising graphics section above forumdisplay (see attachment). "Advertising" is spelled wrong, and with the absense of a banner, the bottom graphic is messed up. Sticking a blank banner would fix that problem easily.
These are my personal opinions, however I suggest that these be changed for the benefit of all viewers.
It is a cool skin, though! I like it a lot. Cool color scheme