You need to set permissions from the usergroup manager. Probably not why the option is not showing up. But theres some template problem that you are having. Try to revert back to what you had before. Basically all i added to that line was another if statement.
<if condition="$thread['titlestyle']">style="$thread[titlestyle]"</if>
but im not sure if your board doesnt like the single quotes or not as thats why it was giving you the error before. But it seems like you are missing something.
this should be your orginal
<a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]$thread[highlight]" id="thread_title_$thread[realthreadid]"<if condition="$show['gotonewpost']"> style="font-weight:bold"</if>>$thread[threadtitle]</a>
If its not you will need to add
<if condition="$thread['titlestyle']">style="$thread[titlestyle]"</if>
manually in there. Either before the <if condition... or after the </if>