thnx for your suggestion bud, i did, and unfortunately its still a no go for me

eventhough it didnt show an error as it did last time, this time its a bit different
look at the attached image and you will see what i'm talking about
the test thread name was
sdfgdfgdfgdsf, and everything before that
showed up after i've tryed that code you've showed me in above post
to bypass that parser error that i had before.
also, after a complete install i took a scrrenshot of my thread_tools options
and unfortunately i dont have those beautify options there as you have it
dont pay attention to funny chars, those are translated frases, and look funny
when i change default language. white space above the button, also not a part
of an error i'm trying to fix here, so dont pay attention to that as well
hope youll be able to see what i'm talking about and have some tips on how to fix this
thnx again for all the time and help bud, i really do appreciate it.