Originally Posted by Tom_S
Is anyone having an issue after clicking on "Upload and Image" that their host is shutting off their site because of a CPU Quota Exceed Error? It seems when I do click upload an image it just sits there as if it can't find it and then my host is shutting our account off saying we are exceeding our quota. I was having no problems with this mod until the other day but I have been having a huge amount of issues with my host at bluehost.com. Anyone having these or similar issues? I need to know what direction to go in here. Fix something with the mod or yell at my host.
vBulletin should not be used on shared hosting. The software and some added mods and hacks will kill your alotted cpu cycles. sometimes this hack will eat up cpu time.
been there. now have my site on a high CPU user tier, and not to many problems.