I've found another problem (sorry).
My members started complaining when the Ebay section on my forum started having problems. All their links comes up with the frame, but it seems to trim Ebay URLs down which causes the item not to show.
A random example URL would be
which is trimmed down by this mod to
this means that if I use this on my site, the Ebay section can no longer be used for my users to list their auctions and that got me quite a few complaints in the support sections
I've had to disable this mod temporarily, is there any chance of a fix for this please?
(If a fix isn't possible, perhaps my suggestion 2 posts up about having a domain exclusion where the frame's not applied would also work here. Solves the problem of framing your own local site and also would fix the Ebay issue).
This is a really good mod and one that I've searched for a long time for one that works well. This works perfectly apart from the above, so if this could be fixed I'd definitely use it again and rate it highly.