Originally Posted by sduckie2k5
I'm able to see the whole feature work including avatar on the forum pages but on the index(cmps) I only see the info and not the avatar. Can you please tell me how to correct this? Thankyou ~D
Originally Posted by JonnyC
Excellent Mod - Thanks
But I have a slight problem
The Mod works great in my forum, but I also have the vBadvanced CMPS installed with a whos visited module
When I load this page, i get a line error in the bottom corner of the screen when i move my mouse over the name of a member who has visited and this script doesnt work
Does anyone know how to fix this
my site is http://www.boogie2nite.co.uk
and a test user account
Username : test
Password : test
It works perfectly here
but doesnt here
Both of these posts have been unanswered and I also have the same problem. Anyone with a CMPS fix?