i was testing this hack to see if the member will move back to the original group. So this is what i did. I created another usergroup. Say Invalid Group with uid 20 for instance. I enabled the admin option to put bounced users to uid 20. I then created a test user for Registered Users (uid 2) group with a fake email. I later received a bounced message with the link to move that test user into the Invalid Group. I checked the database to see if it holds the old uid 2 and it did. So then i logined as the test user and changed it to a real email. Now vb automatically move the usergroup to the User Awaiting Email Confirmation group (uid 3) because it needs to be activated. When i checked the database, it lost the original uid and it became 0. So when i activated the email, vb puts back the user to the Invalid Group (uid 20). Im not sure but i think this is a bug. Else this feature would be nonfunctional. It suppose to put back to registered users.