I did this:
<table bgcolor="transparent" align="center" width="800px" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td id='tabletoplft' width="26" height="27"></td>
<td id='tableboxtop'></td>
<td id='tabletoprgt' width="27" height="27"></td>
<td id='tableboxlft'></td>
<td id='tableboxrgt'></td>
<td id='tablebotlft' width="26" height="27"></td>
<td id='tableboxbot'></td>
<td id='tablebotrgt' width="27" height="27"></td>
Would that be good? Obviously not, but can someone fix this?
And can someone PLEASE tell me how to add tfoot to the bottom of every category?