Originally Posted by gio~logist
Hm. Try changing the following in the "Separate Staff In User's Online" plugin:
PHP Code:
substr($activeusers_staff, 2);
Replace with:
PHP Code:
substr($activeusers_staff, 1);
Do the same for the code that looks like that but with _members as well. See if that works.
ok at first it didn't work but i unistalled product and then i reinstalled it again and that error message went away but now i had created a assist admin as a staff member prior before installing hack and it is showing under member shouldn't that be with staff?
actually i take that back some how when i refesh the screen ,this is the error message different form the others
Members: href="member.php?u=9994" rel="nofollow">
so i changed that that script in plugin now it appears that they are under invisible mode..lol