It looks like a variable problem. I can get into the admin control panel again, but the forum is still down.
Now that I can get back into the control panel, maybe you can help me fix it?
I had Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics (, and ibProArcade for vBulletin ( installed, and I wasn't having any problems. This morning, I installed ionCube, then vS-Interactive Profiles ( I started getting database errors right after that once in a while in the control panel, in one pane or another. Sometimes the whole CP would go down. But closing the browser windoe and starting it back up again would fix it. I didn't get any particular database error by the way, Database Error and some stuff about blicking the back button and trying again was all I got.
I should have stopped there and tried to see what was wrong. I have a very bad cold, feel lousy, and I'm blaming that for my bad judgment!
I installed vBSEO after that. I don't think that caused any more of a problem though.
Then I realized the forum was having problems. It still is. I can now get back into the home page, but when I click on any forum, it tries to open a page in a folder of the forum name. Click on the General Discussion forum, and it tries to open the default page in the (non-existent) General-Discussion folder.
I then tried to disable vS-Interactive Profiles. I had more problems with the database error. I tried to uninstall it and started getting the database error whenever i tried anything to do with vbulletin.
What should I do now? Should I continue to try to uninstall vS-Interactive Profiles? Should I try to repair the database? I should do a database backup, but don't know how.