This is quickly becoming a nightmare, I'm afraid.

Due to the mod being outside the forums directory, I am having issues with links, forms, etc not working. For instance, if a user is not logged in, the login form and navbar links on the groups page weren't working. I had to go into the templates and manually add in absolute URLs (i.e. put $vboptions[bburl]/ in front of all links) so it would link through the forums directory and not the groups directory.
I thought I was making progress, but then there is the same issue with forms, such as the report post form. I fixed one issue I found which was the link that is supposed to take you to the thread you are reporting was not working (I added &t=$reportinfo[threadid] to the URL so it would go back to the correect thread). I cannot, however, get it to do anything but refresh the page when the report is submitted. I notice also that it's (for some strange reason) posting the description of the private forum where reports are supposed to be sent at the top of the report page. Also, I had to edit newpost_usernamecode to fix the "Logged in as" link as it was again trying to pull a page from the groups directory.
The deeper I get into all these additional edits needed to make it work, the more I fear I should just be uninstalling it. Am I just missing something totally simple, or have others not tested it as much as I have been and that's why all of this stuff hasn't been mentioned yet? I feel like I'm losing my mind!
I LOVE the idea of this mod, but the implementation is difficult at best and I'm nowhere near working out all of these bugs I've found. No one has really posted to this thread in a week -- has everyone given up or are they just busy? Are these issues all just related to my template or is this how it is for everyone??
sabret00the, where are you?