I don't think you understand... You only have to click on the link in the email header of those emails which bounce back. Which therefore helps you to avoid sending these bouncing members emails until they update their password.
Previous to this version, you had to do the following steps to manage bouncing emails:
1) open the bounced email
2) type the email address or username of the bouncing member into the AdminCP>Search for Members page
3) scroll through the list of returned results and open the bouncing member's "edit user" page
4) scroll through the edit member page and either change their usergroup, receive admin emails setting or whatever other method you used to deal with bounces
5) click submit to deal with the member
Now with this, you just click the link in the email header and you're done. One step as opposed to five certainly sounds easier to me, but i could be wrong...
The next version (which will be released this week) will give you the option in your settings to change either usergroup or receive admin emails (or both) if you choose.