I've been using it since release day and I'm really suprised at how great it's been, the only issue I've encountered aren't really OS related, but because 3rd party apps haven't got their gold drivers and such out yet, such as for my GFX card (which seems to work fine with the beta drivers for Vista aside from some artefacts appearing in games) and iTunes.
Vista is by no means an essential nor necessary upgrade for anyone using XP Service Pack 2, I can agree with that much, but it's the collection of many, many small updates and tweaks that I really can't be arsed keeping track of via installing on XP and such that come with Vista which I'm enjoying.
To be honest, I'm really pleased with the OS and as an early adopter I was of course expecting to encounter a few issues but they've been few and far between, to my relief. Really pleased, wouldn't go back to XP in a heartbeat.