Originally Posted by djbaxter
At the risk of telling you something you already know, I don't believe there is a "Banned" group by default in vBulletin - mine is ID=20 but it may be different for others so you'll need to make that a variable.
I also got a parsing error when making that change. I only edited the usergroup to match my board's banned id.
@C Braithwaite- I'm not sure the cron job is running, it doesn't show in the log even though logging is enabled. It runs manually when you push the run button, but nothing in the log indicates it ran. I set it to run every ten minutes for 1 hour every night 100 mails per (just till it catches up with the 1500 or so inactive members, then will set it to run once weekly).
Also noticed there is no title, description, or log phrase listed in the scheduled task.
It may be running without making any log entries, I don't know.
Thanx again, once the bugs are ironed out, this will be extremely useful to a ton of peeps.