Originally Posted by Antivirus
The user then may simply click on a link in the PM which takes them to the update email screen in their usercp. If they behave and update their email address as requested, then when they do so, the user's "Receive Email From Administrators" setting in their profile is automatically changed back to "Yes".
I assume the 'receive admin emails' is set back to yes providing the user clicks on the link in the PM? What happens if they don't and they just go straight to their profile settings and update their email address? Will the 'receive admin emails' still be set back to yes?
Originally Posted by banuchi2
I do have to admit that I really liked it when the usergroup was changed as opposed to their "Accept Emails from Admin" set to NO.
I too prefer the 'move user to a different usergroup option' - will install the mod when that option is available.