Hi John,
long time no speak.
You're going to hate me now
The style...... well, the basic concept is interesting but it's as if it's been designed for people with sight difficulties and need everything to be oversized. The cat headers are far too large, the board markers too bulky and the logo too big for the forum size that's been chosen for it. Add that to the sidebar which makes the forum area itself way too small - and looks even smaller because of the overlarge icons.
If the sidebar went bye-bye you
might get away with the large icons and category bar but the way it stands, all it achieves is to make the style look too "busy"
Inside the forum, the threadmarkers look out of place and lilke they've just been thrown into the style as an afterthought - there's no apparent connection between them and the rest of the style - and all the default images remaining in the style haven't been matted so they all have that horrid white jagged edge to them.
On the plus side - the postbit is stunning, and the basic colourscheme is gorgeous.
Sorry... please don't hate me