Originally Posted by Tim Skellett
Pardon me, I honestly do not want to be offensive, but you are completely and utterly wrong on two counts.
1) It is not "evenly split" whatsoever. As said, the scientific consensus, by a huge majority, is that global warming is most certainly happening; the only real controversy left is how much human activities cause and/or add to it, and even that issue is not so big any longer.
2) I was in science (albeit not climatology) till I had to go into semi-retirement. I'm quite capable of looking up the genuine science sources, and I do. That's where I check my facts. I can name sources for climatology science and global warming if you like.
Now how about you? You have not given one single fact yet; it's never to late to start.
Give me some sources and facts. And again, I disagree. And Fact on the consensus, I'm debating that statement first.