error_nopermission hook issue
I have vb integrated into a site with a single sign-on. My logic handles the authentication portion and I have setup a plugin using the error_nopermission hook to redirect a user to the site login page . The issue I'm seeing is that sometimes, but not always, this plugin is being triggered when a user is logged in and trying to reply to a thread or post a new thread.
The use is logged in. Their name appears at the top of the vb interface. It's just when they try to post, it triggers the error_nopermission plugin. Seems odd.
The issue this causes is that the user is redirected to the custom login, which then detects the user is logged in. Once it detects this, it redirects the user to their account page.
We're using VB 3.6.1. Is anyone else using this hook and have you noticed anything similar to this? For instance, the hook being triggered when you are logged in?
Also, how does the Execution Order effect this? I am not familar with the context of the Execution Order although I understand fully the term.