Originally Posted by IR15H
This is a classic example of poising the well. The church once said that the Earth was the centre of the universe, so I'm no longer going to believe anything the church says. 
Anyone with a bible knows that world was never the center. Thats a good example of the masses following a few peoples suggestions rather than actually looking things up on their own.
Originally Posted by IR15H
Climate change is an enivronmental issue. A person's political views should play no part in assessing the information presented.
Thats a nice statement, but it isn't true. A lot of people do things and base their views on politics. The left is behind this, the right is behind that, bla bla bla. A large majority of environmentalist are considered to be anarchist and anti-establishment.
Originally Posted by IR15H
The term you want to use is climatologists. Otherwise, Tim Skellett has adressed this issue.
And again, I disagree with both of you.
Originally Posted by IR15H
You have every right to disagree, although your argument would be somewhat more convincing if you presented some facts to support your decision.
Likewise, please do.
Originally Posted by IR15H
Ad hominem isn't an argument. Geographical location in no way affects a person's ability to assess facts and reach their own conclusions.
Heres a thought, are you a climatologists? I'm not. And how do we know we aren't being lied to by people with an agenda? You said earlier that the church said the sun revolved around the earth. Just food for thought. You can only asses what your presented, fact and truth are not always the same.
Originally Posted by IR15H
Useful as triva, but one person's views doesn't disprove climate change.
No I was using that to point out the fact that a lot of these groups are politically motivated. Thats why he left greenpeace, he found that people with an agenda were taking over his organization and didn't really care about the things he originally started the group for.
Less to do with Climate change and more to do with people pushing an agenda.
Originally Posted by IR15H
You can obtain electricity from many sources, which includes renewables such as solar/wind/hydro. The source of the electricity is important in determining the "greeness", however it is simply false to state that all electricity comes from the burning of fossil fuels.
True, Nuclear for example is mostly steam power from a fission reaction.
Originally Posted by IR15H
So far I have not seen a single fact presented against climate change in this thread.
I have not seen a single fact supporting it. This was to debate the validity of it, and mostly becuase I wanted to see people like you start commenting. I really dont' care about the comments of people who agree with me, it was the other side of the table I was looking for.
Originally Posted by Tim Skellett
This is not true. The scientific consensus is that global warming is induitably happening -- and more, that human activities are adding to it.
Actually Tim, the consensus is not what you just said, it's evenly split, stop getting your facts from the media. If we both started google searching we could both come up with lots of opinions and thoughts from both sides and
You are basing everything on the belief that some people have no reason to lie to us.