The MySpace-Suite is now called o-community, and I cannot get their demo software to work, their support forum is a complete and total joke, with the site administrator nowhere to be found, people complaining left and right that the captcha override doesn't work, the support forum has 50 porn spam profiles/links/posts for every legit one...there are people complaining all over the forum that the company has taken their money and ran...
I would REALLY give some serious thought to buying that nonsense.
I am just a newbie trying to figure out how to promote a site.
The other site, FriendAdder.....I can't seem to figure out if it requires I add friends before I can contact them to promote my site.....there are 56K users that fit the demographic, but that is via a MySpace Search....and I don't want to have to add 56K users to my friends list initially to be able to contact them.