Originally Posted by Junkie
When I click on the "comment" from the admincp warnings log, I get the following:
"The requested URL /forums/admincp/admin_warn.php was not found on this server".
My admin control panel is named something other than 'admincp' so where would I need to replace 'admincp' with what I labeled mine as?
That should be already there but i forgot to add it to that section.To make that work if you have a "custom" admincp directory open admin_warn.php and find (if it is not there add it)
PHP Code:
then still in the same file (admin_warn.php) around line 714 there is this code
PHP Code:
$d="<A HREF=\"{$vbulletin->options[bburl]}/admincp/admin_warn.php?do=showcomment&id=$warn[wid]\" onclick=\"window.open('{$vbulletin->options[bburl]}/admincp/admin_warn.php?do=showcomment&id=$warn[wid]','','width=1024, height=500, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes'); return false;\" target=\"_blank\">$vbvb</a></font>";
replace that with
PHP Code:
$d="<A HREF=\"{$vbulletin->options[bburl]}/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?do=showcomment&id=$warn[wid]\" onclick=\"window.open('{$vbulletin->options[bburl]}/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?do=showcomment&id=$warn[wid]','','width=1024, height=500, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes'); return false;\" target=\"_blank\">$vbvb</a></font>";
to explain more clearly you need to replace "admincp" with $admincpdir this variable contains the correct complete path to your admincp (it reads from /includes/config.php)
save file upload that should do it